object considering a white noise plus colored noise as the stochastic model for the residuals and model missingness with a Markov process using the GMWMX estimator.R/gmwmx2.R
Estimate a trajectory model for a gnss_ts_ngl
object considering a white noise plus colored noise as the stochastic model for the residuals and model missingness with a Markov process using the GMWMX estimator.
n_seasonal = 2,
vec_earthquakes_relaxation_time = NULL,
component = "N",
toeplitz_approx_var_cov_wv = TRUE,
stochastic_model = "wn + fl"
A gnss_ts_ngl
An integer
specifying the number of seasonal signals in the time series. "1" specify only one annual periodic signal and "2"specify an annual and a semiannual periodic signal.
A vector
specifying the relaxation time for each earthquakes indicated for the time series.
A string
with value either "N", "E" or "V" that specify which component to estimate (Northing, Easting or Vertical).
A boolean
that specify if the variance of the wavelet variance should be computed based on a toeplitz approximation of the variance covariance matrix of the residuals.
A string
that specify the stochastic model considered for the residuals. Either "wn + fl" for white noise and flicker/pink noise or "wn + pl" for white noise and stationary power-law noise.
x <- download_station_ngl("CHML")
fit <- gmwmx2(x, n_seasonal = 2, component = "N")